Husbands after miscarriage

We found out we miscarried at our appointment Sept 3. We were 17wk4days. We were both immediately devastated. We went in that night to be induced to deliver our Abel. We were unable to deliver him until  the following Tuesday (18wks1day). It's a long story but we were facing the possibility of a D&E and we were so happy to get to meet or son when finally delivered vaginally. I was so happy to hold our son. The hardest thing was letting him go and everyday since then has been difficult with multiple episodes of water works. I now sleep with the stuffed animal they gave us as part of his memory box. I feel sad continuously and empty. My husband seems to be doing better. He tries to be so supportive but he's getting to the point where I can tell he doesn't know how to respond because he's not in the same place and trying to get back to normal life. I'm still struggling to not cry at the drop of a hat. Does anybody else experience this with their husbands? How do you support your husband to move forward in his grief when your stuck several steps behind?