Crappy condescending co-worker: "Just wait 'til you have kids."

Ok, I gotta vent. My coworker has to minimize everything i say by replying, "just wait until you have kids." She doesn't know I'm pregnant right now, but she's aware that we were trying. No matter what I say, her reply is always the same. She asks, "You look tired," and I say, "Yes, rough night." She says, "Wait til you have kids."  She says, "Why don't you like the neighbor's dog?" I say, "Because it shakes off constantly and flings lines of drool in my hair, on my face, on the smells, barks nonstop, and attacks other dogs." Her rely? "Wait til you have kids."
She keeps warning me that I may have a miscarriage. I understand that miscarriages are a reality and she experienced what no mother wants to experience...losing her pregnancy. But repeatedly telling me to "prepare [myself] for a miscarriage because chances are it could very well happen" is upsetting to me.  "Be ready for it."   It's insensitive.  I understand if she said something like, "I had one, and I hope you don't. If you do, I'm here for you." Instead, she's telling me to expect the inevitable.  Now I'm more and more irritable at work and I don't want to talk to her (and pregnancy hormones don't help that and thankfully it's a big organization so I can avoid contact). She asks what is wrong with me lately, and I say, "I'm grumpy and just need rest and alone time." She says, "Oooohhh just wait for when you have kids!" AAAHHHH SHUT THE &$@! up!!!!
Rant: Over.