I just need to rant for a second

Jess • Anti-obesity glorification anti drug use during pregnancy
I just need to rant...
So basically I'm 6 months pregnant, and with every passing day, this pregnancy gets easier and easier. I had no morning sickness or ailments; no mood swings, no typical issues. 
I continue to go to the gym and do my regular workout with no problem. I haven't gained much, I count my calories and barely have a bump (although baby is weighing in 2 weeks ahead at every check)
My rant is that I can't ever talk about these things to anyone! Not online, not in person!! I'm in another pregnancy forum and I was told that "by gloating about my easy pregnancy experiance, I'm devaluing other women who have had bad experiences". 
So basically, I'm supposedly shaming women who don't have it easy like me. So I'm basically expected to pretend to feel like crap and walk around waddling while holding my back saying "the pain!!" Because nothing else is acceptable!! I guess this is why it's rare to read about positive birthing experiences; those women are probably bullied into lying about them!!