Virginia • I have been with my husband for 5 years and on March 29 it will be our 1 year anniversary. We will start trying to conceive in May! :) I`m so excited I can`t wait to be a mommy!!! :)

So I was on the depo shot for about 1yr 1/2- 2 yrs and I was supposed to get my next shot in November 2013 but decided not to so I could give the shot some time to clear my system. My husband and I got married in March 2014 and we knew we wanted to start trying to have babies about a month or two of being married.

Well....I got my period in January 2014 and my next cycle was in July 2015 lasted about 1wk 1/2 or so and then my next one was in August 2015 and that lasted about 3 days if that the second day was kind of a medium to heavy flow (sorry I know TMI).

OK so my question is... is it normal for my cycles in July and August be so different in the amount of time I was on my period?? The norm before I was on the shot was like a week and a half.

For a second there I thought I was having implantation bleeding in August be of the color and the flow at first then when the second day came I figured I wasn't (because of the flow). I haven't tested because I'm afraid it will say it's negative! I've gone to my ob/gyn already and she wanted me to wait to see if I continued to get my cycle for the next three months, if I hadn't she was going to refer me to an infertility doctor.

Also, my fertility window is coming up and I've been making sure we've been having sex since I ended my period (about every other day). So now should I have sex everyday or continue doing it every other day during my fertility window? During this time should I start doing ovulation tests?