Early signs of pregnancy?

Meaghan • Dog mom to Sheldon. Mommy to 1 angel baby. ❤️🌻
I made a mistake about a week and a half ago and had unprotected sex. He intended to pull out, but I don't think he pulled out quick enough. My period isn't supposed to start for a few days, so it's a little early to take a test. I rarely ever get menstrual cramps, but I've had really mild cramps yesterday and today, yet no start of my period. I'm pretty nauseous, and I have a terrible migraine. My breasts are kind of sensitive and I'm peeing a lot. Is it possible to experience symptoms this soon after possible conception, or could the symptoms be something else??
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If you think you're pregnant you can make yourself have symptoms that aren't really there. All you can do is wait and test. That's your best bet. 


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I had mine as early as 3 weeks with my last I knew I was but all pee test kept coming up negative, but I went to the doctor an got a blood test an it was positive. 


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I felt pregnant with the symptoms you're describing (except tender breasts, that came a week or so later). I took a test and it was negative. I waited a few days and took another. It was positive. That was all before my period was due...so it's totally possible. Not saying you for sure are, but I knew before it came up positive.


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Take clearblue digital test. 


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Pregnancy symptoms and pms symptoms are very similar. Take a test if you miss your period.


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I did t feel any symptoms until 3-4 weeks I didn't start peeing a lot till5 take a test if your really concerned