Cold cuts

All is want in this world is a ham sandwich with spicey mustard. It's a hot sand which does that count as cooked? 
308 views • 1 upvote • 12 comments



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I eat cold cuts all the time and I did with my first child too. My doctor said just make sure it's fresh meat.


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I literally eat deli meat at least 4-5times a week pretty much since I found out I was pregnant and I'm 31 wks. I've never eaten it heated either yuck!! Baby was checked out today perfect size moving alot and heart rate 153. 


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My doctor said they lifted all the restrictions on lunch meat. You don't have to heat it up or anything just dive right in.


Jamie • Sep 15, 2015
Seriously! I have been cravings a turkey sandwich!


Rebecca • Sep 15, 2015
This is the best thing I've heard all week


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I'm craving lunch meat too! I've had some. I might start eating more.


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I eat Panera Bread all the time & my baby's healthy. I think it's a personal choice 


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I eat cold cuts all the time IL have it day I buy it and day after then chuck it well everyone else in family eats it before that happens but you get the idea lol


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All I can keep down right now is cold cuts


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Thanks guys! It's a sandwich at a place I stop at for breakfast so I can't heat it up. I guess I'll just wait it out.


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Put in micro wave and wrap in damp towel cook for about min or until steamy then melt the cheese and have a ham panni  


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Just hear the meat to steaming before eating and you're good!