What are my chances?

ilovelee143 • Well, hey. I`m 29 and TTC my second child. I have a son named Joshua whom is 9 and a very loving boyfriend named Brent. oh, and I cannot forget my fur baby Koby.

I just had a lap procedure done last Thursday and my doctor wants me to take two months of birth control to let my body heal before TTC again after my surgery. What are my chances of getting pregnant now that I've had the surgery?

I'm feeling pretty down and exhausted, I'm just ready for this.... Ugh.

About two days after my surgery, I noticed my face was glowing. This has not happened to me in a very long time. I also started getting annoying migraines when I would wake up and sporadically during the day. Figured it may just be my hormones. Also, cramping in my lower back and near my ovaries.

I had stage 4 endo. My right ovary was covered and barely working, and my left was covered with a chocolate cyst and was not working at all. Now, it's all cleaned up and I'm healing nicely.

Anyone have kind, encouraging words for me? Success from the surgery and other people's experiences would be wonderful. Please tell me your stories and if you have any insight on things that are going on with me, I'd love to hear it.

Baby dust to everyone!