😪😖Help, please!

Help! I'm around 5 weeks and I had an ear infection/ bronchitis about 2 weeks ago and now I have what I think is just allergy issues... What is ok for me to take? I remember with my daughter, I couldn't take anything.... But I'm a teacher now (aka I would hate to call in sick for this) and I need some relief until I can get in to ask a dr.... HEEEELP!
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Oh I feel with you. I had a wasp stung on Saturday. I never was allergic to it before but this time it swell up a lot was really painful and itchy until now. The doctor said I have to wait it out. It's not so serious that it would outweigh the risk of taking antihistamine in pregnancy. I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant.


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I have asthma, and bronchitis usually comes with an ear ache. I drink "breathe easy" herbal tea from the Traditional medicines brand. Or if I'm out I drink a combination of ginger and mint tea. That helps with my breathing and bronchitis. I also put 1-2 drops of peppermint oil on my chest.As for ear infection I always seem to have a prescription on hand for that one.


Patty Anne • Sep 15, 2015
Throat coat doesn't usually help me with bronchitis. Your doc might put you on Advair if yout bronchials sound really crummy.


Natalie • Sep 15, 2015
I was on antibiotics for the ear infection and ear drops... After that cleared up I had to go back for bronchitis (I felt horrible for about 9 days). I drink the "throat coat" from the same brand but it isn't helping. I feel like I just need an allergy pill!


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Benadryl. Call your OBGYN for their list of approved OTCs.