Pregnant with Clomid 150mg, ttc? Pcos?This can help you.

Jasmine • Two high school sweethearts now 26 trying to conceive our first baby! Follow me and my journey !!!
So here's my story and how I finally did it !!!
So from the beginning I've always knew that was going to be a challenge.
Hubby and I have been trying for about 6months 4months we tried on our own. 
I let my gynecologist know I was ttc and she told me to get these ovulation strips and pregnancy test from Amazon that were super cheap. I tried the strips with a combination of this herbal plant in a pill form called VITEX. The vitex worked for so many women on Amazon so I was so hopeful but the never made my periods come! I took this for about two months. Some women said it took three months for their periods to come but I did not have the patience to take this I felt like every month the vitex did not work was a month waisted. 
I tracked my ovulation with the ovulation strips for four whole months and never did I once get a positive ovulation strip! I let my obgyn know and she referred me to a fertility specialist with KAISER PERMENENTE. And let me tell you kaiser fertility clinic in sanfrancisco was amazing!!!!!
Before I started treatments my main concern was how much everything was going to cost but all in all I spent about 500 dollars.
Before I can start any treatments they made me do blood work ,HSG TESTand get a sperm sample from hubby. After we were cleared to start treatment this is what we did. 
The first appointment the doctor put this sonogram thing up my vagina and looked at my tbes and eggs and diagnosed me with Pcos. I had eggs they just weren't dropping on their own.
That day the dr put me on progesterone pills that I were to take for 10 days to force my period. As soon as my period came I was to take birth control. Yes! BIRTHCONTROL. I took this for about two weeks and then stopped. My period came 3 days after. 5days into my period I took Clomid 100mg for five days  cycle day 5-9 and 5 days later CD14 I went in for another sonogram to look at my eggs. Unfortunately I had no follicles that were big and ready to drop. I was so said I felt so bad like my body was broken I was pretty hard on myself. That day the dr put me on 150 mg Clomid and that's when the magic started!!!!!!!!!!!
I took 5 days of 150 mg Clomid.  And the dr said we will just call this first day CD3. So cd3-7 I took Clomid 
Cd 12 I went in for a sonogram and had 2 juicy follicles one in each ovary that were ready to drop. And took a trigger shot that night to force ovulation cd14-15 
Cd 13-16 hubby and I baby danced 
Cd17 I was feeling doubtful and told myself if this cycle didn't work I would get an <a href="">IUI</a>. 
4dpo I started to get sore boobs but thought it was just because the medication I took a test and it came out faint positive it was way to early and the trigger shot was still in my system giving me false positive. Posted the pic on my page.
6dpo tested negative the trigger shot was out of my system.
11dpo decided to test got a faint positive 
15 dpo tested and it was a dark in denyable positive.
I waited two days and called my dr and they ordered a blood test to confirm but before my appointment I had to test one more time to see for myself lol 
My blood work came back tester the same day going to the dr and it came out positive!!! I could not believe it !!! I'm actually pregnant. I have to go back tomorrow for another blood test to make sure everything is ok and baby is growing properly!!
Thanks to fertility clinic and Clomid I'm pregnant. If you are ttc visit a specialist that's the best advice I can give every month waiting is another month waisted. I became pregnant within the first month of trying and the 2nd round of Clomid. 
Baby dust to all of you ✨✨✨✨✨✨👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽 and remember to visit your specialist they really do magic !!!