Ladies, STOP SELF DIAGONOSING. It's so stupid and rediculous. I don't mean to sound so rude BUT y'all need to get off google!! Yes, everyone is trying to get pregnant and it may be all you think about. STOP GOOGLING SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS! Not every time you sneeze or cough are you going to be pregnant. Not everytime you have a headache or migraine are you going to be pregnant. Not everytime you can't sleep or you sleep to much are you going to be pregnant. Not everytime you vomit it your overly hungry are you going to be pregnant. STOP GOOGLING. You are more then likely physcing your body out into believing you are when your not because everytime you're a little off you GOOGLE! No, I don't have kids and yes I'm trying and have been for a long time. I emphasise a lot with the women on here. But seriously, googling your stories and be more harm then what it's worth. Anyone who doesn't like this post GET OVER IF. Everyone has their opinion and if you don't care to read move your arse along :)