HSG on Monday - scared to death

Michelle • 34, DH 37. ttc #1 for 4+ years
Hi everyone,
I'm intermittently on this board - I'm mainly a lurker ;) until now. I'm scheduled for an HSG on Monday and I'm freaking out. Does anyone have any recommendations for calming down? I've read so many horror stories, it's been hard to keep my anxiety at bay.
A little about us - DH and I have been ttc #1 for over two years, with one mc after conceiving naturally over a year and a half ago. I have had 2 failed IUIs and that Doctor never checked my tubes so I feel like I basically wasted thousands of dollars on those procedures (if my tubes are blocked). All we did was a saline sonogram (which was painless actually). One of my IUIs was extremely painful bc they had to use a tenaculimum to open my cervix, so I'm actually more scared of that with the HSG than I am of the dye - I can handle uterine cramps.. Cervix cramping is a whole different story! 😩
Any positive stories are appreciated! They told me I can only take 600mg of ibuprofen, and I'm taking an antibiotic starting on Saturday (that's normal right?)