Should I test tomorrow or is it too early?

Hey everyone, just looking for some friendly advice....sorry if this is TMI for some. But anyhow, so my period is pretty regular coming exactly every 24 days some months and on other months every 28 days (mostly every 24 days). If AF decides to come on the 24th day it will be this monday. During my fertile week this month my husband and I had done the BD just about everyday of my fertile week (sometimes more than once a day). I have been more tired recently, peeing more frequently, having small cramps, sore nipples, hightened sense of smell for about a week and just today feeling nausea (I even got sick this morning off of a cup of coffee and I normally love coffee). I don't want to get my hopes up considering some of these are typical AF symptoms but some are not and something I've never experienced before right before AF. I want to test in the morning with my fmu but I'm scared to get yet another bfn, do ya'll think it's too early to test? Thanks to everyone who replies to this in advance!