Can't think of a topic name lol

Desirae • Mom to a rainbow baby!
So today at work an elderly customer came in and was asking for extensions. She looked at me and said tell me about yourself to which I replied well what do you want to know? And she said, " are you happy?" I was sort of taken aback no one has ever asked me that at least by in the last 10 years.. I felt like crying and offloading everything on her! No I'm not happy!! Every day is a struggle and I know it could be worse I could be sick or I could be poor but this is a pretty shitty hand to be dealt if I can wallow in my own misery for awhile! It's so hard to see and hear news of others pregnancy (barring you lovely ladies of course) and earlier today I was watching the movie "this is where I leave you" and the sister in law was struggling with infertility and she said "I'm tired, I'm tired of injections, I'm tired of ultrasounds" and boy did I agree! But, instead of crying and unloading all of my problems onto this poor unsuspecting lady all I said was "yes" and left it at that. Thank you for knowing what I'm going through ladies!!! You are all so amazing!!