My nipples are crying 😭😭😭

I'm new to BFing. I BF and sometimes pump and bottle feed. LO is 3 weeks old. I don't know if it's from his match (he only latches onto my nipple tip and not the surrounding skin. It. HURTS so bad!! My left noodle is cracked like it looks like part of it will fall off! And the right one is bleeding and peeling! The pain is unbearable!! What can I do to heal the skin? I'm putting breast milk and lanolin but it's not healing. This last time I gave in and gave LO formula because I just couldn't handle the pain. Any tips ladies? On a side note I also took Norco (Vicodin) 750ml an hour ago so that I could pump. This is the same medication they have me in the hospital and they knew I was BFing but now I feel guilty. Should I pump and dump this one or is it okay?