Who is being or has been induced for this pregnancy? Also how long did you go before being induced?

Brandy • I`m a 30 year old sahm of two tiny tots. I love The Lord and my family. I enjoy working out and cooking gourmet food.
I see a lot of induction stories on the board and I was just wondering if it's because moms have a medical reason or if you're anxious to meet baby... Also wondering if there are moms out there who are waiting for baby to come naturally even if they go past their due date. I couldn't believe my dr offered to induce me at my 39 week appt... A week before my due date! I'm afraid of feeling pressured into being induced when I prefer to wait for baby to come on his own. I am very excited to meet my little one, but it just feels right to wait, IMO. Anyone else feel pressure to be induced just because of your "due date?"

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