Am I taking this the wrong way?

Sabrina • My first love, my son, is 4 years old and now I am pregnant with a baby girl due 12/23/15!!!
This is his first child, my second. I am 24 weeks pregnant. I have a anterior placenta so he hasnt had the chance to feel he much. Obviously now that she is getting bigger she has stronger kicks. She was kicking a lot on my side so I had him put his hand there. She kicked him super hard. (Fyi he has tried multiple times to feel her, he is all about my baby bump also) he said "woah! Felt that!" And immediately moved his hand off. I was like well feel it again.. and he said no because it was weird and he will have more chances. Lol im sorry but I cant beleive it weirded him out to the point of not even wanting to continue to feel her kick at the moment. Am I wrong?
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Frankly sometimes it grosses me out and it's happening in my body lol. It's natural for it to weird them out. It always does my husband, but once a week or so he'll feel. I really think he does it just to be supportive, not because he really wants to lol.


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I don't have a SO but my sister is freaked out about how the baby moves and wonders how it doesn't creep me out but she will understand one day... She is so excited to be an aunt though. He is a guy and doesn't get it and will never carry a child so will never get the real joys of carrying a baby and the feeling you get when he or she kicks. His main joys will be hearing his little one cry for the first time and hold him for the first time and things along those lines.


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I was always weirded out when I felt my nephew kick. It's so ... Alien! 


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It always freaked my husband out with our first too, but I think it's just because they don't get the attachment and hormones like we do. So to them it's like a little alien beating the woman they love's organs up. My husband would always apologize to me too when we'd be sitting somewhere and he could see she was moving all over like crazy ;) She was a wild child in the womb who never slept and now she's an always active walking, troublemaking 9 month old!


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I'm 26 wks and 3 days and this is my second and his first as well. We've been getting kicks (teeny tiny ones) since 17 wks. Until very recently he refused to rich my belly. I'm a total pregnancy and birth junkie and it broke me! It made me feel uglier than before! Luckily, we talkedabout it and i felt a lot better just telling him exactly how i felt. He said that he's very excited but to him it's hard to see that as a baby and not my body. And normal bodies don't do that. Lol I'm farther along and I've noticed the less pressure i put on him the more i see him do it. Mainly when he thinks I'm asleep already or if I'm in pain or sad.


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If it's his first child I could see it being a moment that brought him to realization that he's about to have his very own child. I personally would wonder why he wouldn't want to feel it again right away as well but men seem to take things differently than we do. I mean we basically get attached to the baby the day we get our bfp. 


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My husband says it grosses him out. I'm 31 weeks and he still hasn't even touched my belly. Don't take it personal a lot of men are like that. 


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This is why we have the babies and they do... Whatever it is men do. 😆😆😆


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I think it's different for men since they don't carry the baby. Yes I think it's OK for him to feel a little weired out...


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It spins some people out sometimes and can sorta creepy them out. Doesn't mean they are uninterested in the baby and that they don't love the baby. My partner gets spun out amd creeped out when our son kicks sometimes. But it's the first baby so it all can be overwhelming.