2 days left till AF arrives! Please HELP! Need advice

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.
Last pregnancy test I took was last week and was a bfn!! I'm still having the same symptoms since three weeks ago which are
Runny nose comes and goes
Uncomfortable pelvic pain every now and then 
Moody easily
Frequent urination but weird I feel like I gotta pee so bad and then when I go it's only a little 
Back pain all over 
And the recent ones just popped up like three or two days ago, which is sore breasts and my nipples are always hard. 
Always feel hungry even when I'm full 
I haven't had any vomitting but sometimes I get really dizzy and I get a nauseous feeling but it just comes and goes 
Could I be pregnant still, or is it just my AF about to arrive? I'm really nervous!