Did you have trouble finding out the sex at your 16 week US?

Emily • Mrs 3/21/15 Mama 3/31/16 Due with #2 May 2019
I have a gender scan scheduled for 16 weeks 1 day (but I'm always measuring 3-6 days ahead) and my friend keeps telling me that that is way too early and don't be disappointed if they can't see anything. I'm getting kind of upset!! She reminds me every time I see her. I see all of these posts saying they found out at 12 weeks so on... When my US tech wouldn't even look that way for me to even guess! I'm afraid she won't do what she needs to do to find out the gender. She'll just say "well they aren't showing, come back in 4 weeks." 😒 Any advice?? I am going to drink coffee/orange juice before hand to try to make baby active!

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