18 weeks and symptoms - please share yours

Lauren • First time mum, pregnant with baby boy. Check out my pregnancy and baby milestone cards etsy.com/au/shop/littlepopsicle
18 weeks today and this is what I have been feeling 
- tightness in my belly when I lift my hands up above my head, feels like it's stretching heaps and hurts slightly
- I was sleeping on my tummy up until two days ago when I suddenly felt a "harder" part in my belly that felt uncomfortable to lie on (nooooooo - time for side sleeping 😢)
- I get little gas like feelings in my belly like little pitter patter sensations which I can only assume is our bean kicking? As I don't pass wind or anything after 
- my belly has definitely grown, see 7 weeks (right) and 18 weeks picture (left) 
- my hunger isn't as bad as trimester 1 
- no morning sickness to date / nausea 
Share your experiences and if you have felt similar to me around this time !! I love to know how everyone else's pregnancy treats them