Your Best Advice on Being a Woman


Last week, we hosted a contest where we asked you to give your best advice on being a women. The winner was Sebrina, with 131 likes and these wise words:


"It's your job to decide what you are worthy of. You do not have to be a victim to your circumstances. Decide who you are, then be that person."


Congrats, Sebrina! And thanks for participating, everyone! Here's the rest of the top ten: 




"Chase letters behind your name, (MD, Do, ARNP...) not boys!"  -Julie



"Period panties...always have period panties."  -Carly



"You are what your daughters will become; marry a man who will teach your daughters what real men are; be the type of woman you would want your sons to marry. You are the biggest example for the most important people's futures."  -Renee



"The mantra to carry with you: 'I, as I am, am enough.'"  -Danielle



"I saw this on a video yesterday and thought it was perfect advice to the younger me. 'Easy on the makeup, you're not as ugly as you think you are.'"  -Adrienne



"Embrace your weaknesses, along with your strengths. Nothing about you is a mistake. You have been wonderfully made!!"  -Nancy 



"As my mom told me: the decisions you make today, make your tomorrow. Also love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind."  -Esther



"Your eyes were made to see the good. Your heart was made to love the world. Your mind was made to thirst for knowledge. Your lips were made to speak the truth. You were made to be YOU."  -Anna 👋



"Smile while you still have teeth 😄"  -🎀Amanda 



