Neighbor Guy Cheating

So I live in a duplex and I know for sure that my neighbors husband is cheating. Ive talked with her a few times. Our daughter's play together and she is currently 29 weeks pregnant. I would consider her a friend to some extent. But anyway there was one time I was outside getting some fresh air and I looked down thru my deck and seen him looking thru other womens pictures on some dating website. Clearly not pictures of my friend. Then just now I went outside again to get some air and hes on the phone saying " I wanna be with you. I looked at all your pictures and your gorgeous" " When can we meet up" I have my kids tonight maybe tomorrow? Saying he lives alone and all kinds of other bullcrap. I feel bad for her and with her being pregnant and so oblivious to this... I asked my hubby and he thinks I should just leave it alone. But if I feel like I can save her from getting hurt more when she does find out I wanna tell her. What would you ladies do????

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