Birth control questions!

Brooke • Just trying to track my periods and not get pregnant
I have my appointment with my obgyn next week, but I have a few questions about birth control and I could use some answers. 
1. I know lots of people use birth control, but does anyone here use a back up form like spermicide or condoms? My boyfriend and I are very much monogamous, and the reason I'm going on birth control is half for contraceptive purposes, but more so for my cramps. But the question here is do you guys use other form of births control as well? Maybe more for peace of mind? If you do what do you use and what do you recommend?
2. I live in the very conservative state of Texas. I've hear the birth control nightmares with the government, but I'm still a little uneducated. I don't have a full time job (so no benefits to worry about like healthcare provided by an employer), but is it hard to get refills for the pill? Or is it something that I'd have to say is more for cramps, and then throw in the fact that "oh by the way, yes I have a boyfriend who I am sexually active with." Any experiences with getting birth control are greatly appreciated! (Also got don't have to live in Texas, I but I happen to). Also I am 19 so technically an adult, so anything about parental consent (if that even is a thing for birth control) doesn't apply to me. 
Also if you can answer one and not the other please answer the one you can, it'd put my mind at ease for sure!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your advice!!! :)