At peace❤️

Samantha • 23 years young | Married 💍 | And excited about my little bean on the way👶🏽
So ever since my miscarriage this past May, I've been at peace with myself.Meaning I learned to accept whatever came.of course I get emotional every here and there, but I knew i wasn't with this pregnancy, I'm still not ready.Nor will I ever be lol.But I am happy.i want nothing more than to have this little bundle of joy, all I think about is hearing his/her little heartbeat and seeing my little love, but I am also prepared for the worst. I learned to find peace in either situation because either way my time will come whether it's now or another time.So This post is to just encourage everyone to stay positive and stress free even when you feel like it's the hardest thing to do..remember there are other people who know exactly what you're going through, and are there for you😍😊
Positive vibes to all you ladies out there❤️❤️