I just told my MIL off. Rant!

She is always in our business and constantly telling what to do. We can't do anything without her telling us what we are doing is wrong. If we don't to do what she wants it's hell to pay. She is always putting my husband down and making him feel like a complete screw up. Ever sense he was a kid she has been on his back and he was always in teouble. Nothing he did was good enough. So he started telling little lies just to keep her from flipping out on him. So now it happens without him even knowing it. I know some say pathological lier but he isn't the only time he tells a lie is when he is scared. I figured out his tigers and he is getting better. But as soon as his mom goes off on him for something stupid that "she" doesn't approve of he has to work through all those issues again. Today I had enough and I let her have it. I sent her name email telling her to stop hurting my husband. I can't take this crap anymore. We walk on eggshells around her and have to keep things from her. It's even affecting our relationship. I told her everything. Now I'm worried that it's going to be worse on my husband. This woman is mental. I'm just so sick of all this. My poor hubby is always so sad and anxious and it's all because of her. She abuses people mentally and my husband gets the most of it. She can't do it to her daughter because she lives a state away and she ignores here mom's calls, texts, and emails. We live 15 minutes away from her and I'm to the point that even if we move across the country it will still be to close to her. Ugh!!! I they to keep in mind that this is his mom and this is the first Time I have ever told her off but honestly it had to be done. Just needed to get this off my chest. I have no one to talk to.