2 day period. So confused!

I want to apologize in advance for the TMI of this post, but we're all mature ladies here, so I figured someone might be able to help. I chart my temps, and at 12 & 13 dpo, my temps started falling. This is classic for me starting my period (as I have always gotten a drop 12, 13 & 14 dpo with AF showing up on 15dpo). I figured AF was on her way, but on 14dpo, my temps rose again. On the evening of 14dpo, DH & I were intimate, and I notice afterward some orangish-pink spotting. This increased to what I figured was my full-blown period on 15dpo (right on time), and I even had some clotting. It was strange to me tho, because my temps have continued to climb, and this has never happened to me once starting my period. By that evening, my AF turned brown, and now has gone completely MIA. My temps are still up, so I just had a 2 day period with elevated temps. I am so confused!!!! I've never had anything like this happen to me before, as I've always been like clockwork (O on CD 14, AF showing up CD 28 each month and a 5 day period). This two day period has got me absolutely stumped, so if anyone has some insight on this, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!