Should I or shouldn't I what would you do?

Ang • 34 year old female TTC for several years. Diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury 4 years ago.
I have plans to go to brunch with some girl friends :) it's a place that sales bottomless mimosas, and I plan on getting one :) I don't want to stop enjoying my life because I'm trying :S AF isn't due until 10/7 which would be after my brunch with friends :S so, let me give you a run down of my story, it's a little lengthy :S
Hubby and I have been together for 13+ years.  I was on the pill for the first like 8 years and I stopped shorty after we got engaged :) we have been trying for the last 2 years hard on and off, and HARD for the last month. I have been trying really hard cause my biological clock is ticking :S I will be 35 next month :S so I invested in pregprep pills and taking all kinds of vitamins including folic acid :) my period is regular so the doctors tell me that's a good sign :). My period usually starts, gets heavy, then leaves and last for 4 days :S  this month it came, was moderate, then left and only lasted 3 days, I still have not taken a pregnancy test due to the fact that AF did show up :S and even though she was somewhat lighter it was still full on blood :S. And I don't know if AF was different because of the pregprep pills or what :S
We have gone through a whole lot:S I was in a severe motorcycle accident 4 years ago and am legally disabled now and the doctors say that this should not affect my fertility :) 😀 good right 😀 when we first started undergoing things to see why we weren't conceiving the hubby had his sperm checked and they said it was normal so I had to undergo more extensive testing and had an HSG performed in December of 2013 and still nothing while we kept on trying :S and I've read people usually conceive without a problem after the HSG is performed:S well not me :S I would say we were actively trying but not HARD like now :S This month I have also been using OPKs and BD all week especially when the test came back positive :) but, this summer we decided to look further into infertility and saw a fertility doctor      And he ran test on me and informed me that I was ovulating at a low rate :S and that I had a small polyup that needed to be removed :S they wanted me to go through them and charge me a hefty fee because they said my obgyn would take several weeks :S I opted to go with my obgyn to save the money and thank god I did :) I only had to wait 2/3 weeks to get a small polyup removed :) it was an outpatient procedure :) the fertility doctor made it seem like A LOT more :S they had the hubby do a sperm check and said his sperm came back with a low number for the morthology :S which affects the sperms ability to penetrate and fertile the egg :S so they recommended <a href="">IVF</a>, and I asked about other options like <a href="">IUI</a> and there only recommendation was <a href="">IVF</a> :S and I had to ask about the hubby's sperm they didn't just tell me :S they were just all about <a href="">IVF</a>, it would be the most expensive option, they just seem to be so money hungry:S so, I don't know how much longer I want to wait because my biological clock is ticking :S. 
So, overall I don't know if I should drink this weekend because I just started taking pregprep 9/1, and my AF was different this month :S overall I think I may :S I figure it can't be that bad it's just OJ with champagne :). and I figured most people do drink until they find out.  So, until AF doesn't show up :S. And, don't even know what the effects could be :S inform me please :) I want to make a wise decision :)
Does anyone know how long it takes for pregprep to start working? Has anyone else undergone <a href="">IVF</a>?  If so where? With who? And how was your experience?
 Please provide me with your take on things :). Baby dust to all :)