Already posted in another area but didn't get answers or opinions to my questions.

AF was due 9-23 (it's currently 9-29). Not exactly sure when I ovulated I believed I ovulated around the 10th but that's just a guess and didn't get too much baby making time. We had sex on September 10th, 15th, and 20th. According to the <a href="">glow app</a> I was most fertile the 10th. When AF didn't come on the 23rd like expected, the app readjusted itself saying AF was due the 30th and I was most fertile the 15th. Before bed on the 25th I took a first response pregnancy test and got what I thought to be vvvf positive (pictured above). Thinking it was faint because I took it at night I woke up on the 26th and took another first response test and it was what seemed to be a BFN. The morning of the 27th I took a dollar store pregnancy test and had a clear BFN. Because my First response test was negative the morning after I got what I would consider a vvvvf positive the night before, does that mean that the test I thought was a vvvvf positive was actually a evaporation line? Could I still be pregnancy even though the dollar store test came back a BFN? Why does this app readjust your whole month when you don't hit your AF time range? Confusing the shit out of me. On a side note I have signs of pregnancy but we all know that they could just be phantom symptoms (I am notorious for tricking my body into thinking I'm pregnant) but the past week or two I have had sore breast, and headaches that come every other day. The sore breasts isn't abnormal for me happens when I am about to start my period but not for this long. The headaches on the other hand are what come across to me as strange. If the headaches were being caused by the added hormones of pregnancy wouldn't I be able to provide a positive pregnancy test? Let me know what you guys think.