Cervix thin 21 weeks????!


So I had an ultrasound today which was supposed to just check a couple things that they missed on my last ultrasound. They discovered that my cervix is measuring at 1.7 centimeters and it's supposed to be above 2.5. My midwife called me immediately and told me to go to the hospital and meet with the obstetrician. When I got there he told me that basically I've been having contractions my cervix is thinning and funneling he gave me a prescription for progesterone. And told me to take it easy but not stop anything. I have a repeat ultrasound in a week to see if it's changed I've read about 50 stories online and I'm getting terrified the amount of women going into preterm labor I'm having issues because of this is scary. I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through this? Can your cervix just go back to normal or does it stay thin?? Does anyone go full term?? Should I be on bed rest?? I work at tummies and lifting and being on my feet is part of the job...

No 100% sure of the details but yea kinda freaking out...