HCG | Progesterone | Weeks/Days

Hey ladies 
I don't know about you but I've gone from being a poas addict to an HCG chart addict. 
I've had three losses so I think part of it is just anxiousness for this one to be perfect. 
For those that have had bloodwork? What were your levels and how far along are you? 
I went from 8 (scary low and thought I may lose this one) to 69 in less than 48 hours to 203 in 72 hours so thankfully the # is going up. Progesterone is around 14 but fluctuates.  I'm somewhere between 4 & 5 weeks but tough to tell with my irregular cycle. 
I know everyone has a different body and hormones but just curious :)
Wishing you all a very healthy and happy 8 months to go!