TWW after Clomid

I started my first round of Clomid this past month after a miscarriage last month. I started on the 10. According to an online Clomid calculator it said I should ovulate anywhere between the 19-24. We had sex every day and I'm pretty sure I ovulated because of cramps I had. Now on the TTW and I suspect I'm pregnant. It's to early to know for sure but this wouldn't be my first so I have a clue at how I usually feel when I am pregnant. I've been feeling super sleepy. My appetite is weird. I haven't thrown up but my stomach won't settle. Ok well those can also be a symptom of being sick. But I'm cramping on one side. I had cramps with my son but they weren't noticible this early on. Are the cramps on the TWW a Clomid side effect?