After having the para guard in for about seven years, I decided to remove it in April 2015

After having the para guard in for about seven years, I decided to remove it in April 2015. My partner and I started trying io conceive immediately thereafter. I began charting and tracking my period, fertility, and ovulation. After driving myself insane trying to conceive while ovulating, thinking I was pregnant, and going pregnant test crazy (only to have negative after negative), I decided to chill. I decided to let nature take it's course and if I conceived then I conceived, whenever that may have been. 
My LMP was August 24, partner and I had actually been having sex very frequently, about every other day. I reached my fertile window the first week of September and my partner and I got very busy lol. But I was no longer stressing it. After having two different people comment about how I looked like I was gaining weight and being breathless after bending over to tie my shoe, I took a pregnancy test when I got home later that night around 10pm. This was September 20, 2015. I was doing it on a whim and used the Dollar Tree brand that I had left over from my obsessive peeing on a stick phase. 
Lo and behold, I immediately saw those two coveted bright pink lines. I was to days from my expected period. I did to bother to take another hpt, I just knew I was finally pregnant. I immediately went to my Gyno the following day where I was calculated to be about 4 weeks based on LMP. They took my blood for a beta hcg (quantative) test to confirm my pregnancy. My doctor called me in a week to advise me my levels were exactly where they should be and I was now at 5 weeks. My partner and I are estatic and both hoping for a boy. However, we will be blessed no matter the sex of the child. This will be my second child, as I have a 7 year old daughter. I'm currently 32 years young lol.  
​I just wanted to share my story for you ladies. Thank you and good luck to you all.