Feel relieved again!!!

I have this friend who dont get me wrong i do care alot about..... but the friendship was just so draining and so difficult. She hasnt had the best childhood etc and feels alot of insecurities and unloved etc. And i think that spills over too much in her personality where she craves alot of attention from people ans plays little games to see who cares and who dosnt. And i watched and clicked on to this a long long time ago. So i stopped feeding it. But then im the bad person because i dont care (apparently) but it was so difficult because with someone like that u cant ever do enough. Nothing i ever done or ever said was ever good enough and in return i was constantly being run down as a person with such negitivity. And as sad as this is because i love her dearly. I feel so relieved everytime shes not in my life anymore. Alot of stress and negitivity and drama and constant arguments are gone. I miss her everytime ans always will. But what can you do for someone who ALWAYS Thinks so little of you and always is so negitive because of there own insecurities. And dosnt see how much of a big heart u acc have towards them and how hurtful there remarks acc are. I have never recieved an apology anytime ive pointed out her hatefulness towards me and how it makes me feel. All i get is well its my feelings. But what about mine. They never come into it. But she never sees this!!