Am I overly sensitive?

I have two friends at work that both just found out they were pregnant. One girl, Sarah, just told me yesterday and all three of us were talking. My husband and I have been trying for a while and both of them know that. Anyway, while talking Sarah said that her and her husband must be the most fertile couple on earth and he has super sperm because they weren't really even in her fertile window. Then she made a comment that if they had twins, I could just have one of hers. She said a few other things about somehow her life always going as she plans it, etc.

I didn't say anything, I just continued talking and brushed it off as her not thinking before she spoke. I have been thinking about it now though and I really do think that what she said was a little cruel. Obviously she did remember that we have been having trouble because she made the twin comment.

I am not planning to bring it up again, but I just wonder if I am overreacting by being upset. I would never say anything like that to someone anyway, ttc or not, but I am a bit different. She probably didn't mean anything by it.