

My baby has hiccups after every feeding??? 
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My son gets the hiccups after I burp him so I just put him back on the boob. Which is a task because he doesnt seem to believe that it will help so it takes a minute to relatch lol.


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Nothing to worry about, my baby hiccups 95% of the time after eating. Having them suck on the boob or bottle again for a little more can typically take care of it but if not and if it seems to be bothering your little one try Gripe Water, it's amazing stuff!


Posted at
My baby hiccups a lot! He is also colicky we bought colic calm at walgreens (yellow box) it is helping with his gas hiccups and colic. But hiccups wont hurt baby.


aishah • Oct 6, 2015
Yea I bought gripe drops


Posted at
Mine does, too. There's typically a burp that comes up with her hiccups, too, so I feel like they are actually good for something. My daughter sometimes seems a bit annoyed by the hiccups themselves, but always seems to feel good after, so we never even tried gripe water. The pediatrician said hiccups are completely normal. 


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Mine too- he's a fast eater so I think that's part of it. 


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Same here- it never fails, he gets hiccups after every feeding. I usually sit him upright or with his head elevated (on an incline) for about 5 minutes after burping or trying to burp, then put him on his back to sleep and that has been helping. 


Posted at
Oh I didn't know if you put baby back on boob or give them bottle still it's okay. I thought you couldn't for some reason. :) now I know!


Danielle • Oct 5, 2015
Thank you:)


M • Oct 5, 2015
*something about the sucking makes them go away


M • Oct 5, 2015
My son spent some time in the NICU and the nurses there were the ones that told me about that. Somethingvsbout


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