Worried about my boyfriend's relationship with our son

I am going to rant a little, but my boyfriend and I broke up when our son was 2 months old. We took a 10 month break, and he definitely wasn't ready to play the dad role yet. Somehow he came around and we have been together for almost two years, and we are having our second. Please no judgements, I love my relationship with him and it has gone amazing. He has picked up a second job and is supporting my son and I but he works everyday and comes home tired ( I understand this) he sits on the couch and watches tv and our son has been driving him up the wall because he is almost three and I feel like he instantly goes into little monster mode when he gets home because he misses his dad and resorts to bad attention. I don't know what to say to my boyfriend or how to tell him that he needs to spend more time with our son even though he is tired. It's a 24 hour job for me and it is breaking my heart seeing my son trying so hard to get his dad's attention. It wasn't like this until he got two jobs but I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what I'm asking on here I just needed to vent and I had no one to vent to. 😢 I mentioned us breaking up for that period of time because my boyfriend never really experienced infancy, and he doesn't even know how to handle a toddler. I'm freaking out about having this second baby because if he is getting irritated now, he is going to have a rude awakening come December. Ugh.