Driving myself (and my husband) crazy!

I had an ultrasound on Oct 8 for my anatomy scan, I was supposed to be 18 weeks and two days. After they did all the measuring the baby was measuring at 16 weeks 4 days so they officially changed my due date to March 21st and scheduled me another scan for Nov 5th....Now the tech said that they don't do gender that early cause it's hard to tell but she said she was 75% sure it was a girl but couldn't say totally....and now it's driving me crazy! I feel like 75% is pretty sure but I'm trying to wait til the next scan before deciding....she gave us shots of everything but the gender part because she didn't want to confirm or deny either so I had to go through the DVD and take pictures on my phone so grainy but if you think girl or boy I just wanted to see opinions 
This was the only part where the cord was as close as it is but I don't know if that's a boy part or a girl part 
The random part over the leg is because the cord kept sneaking around the baby's leg but there is space between the baby and it