feeling lost

I didn't get many comments in a different section so basically I had a chemical April and had a dnc due to a blighted ovum at 9 weeks around July I got a normal period in September and had sex every other day after, the 8th day after period and 2 days into my fertile zone I had very light pink spotting just like implantation bleeding so I started taking tests 2 days after. out of 12 test over the course of these past couple weeks 10 were faint positives not getting darker and 2 negative. then yesterday I took another 2 test that were positive enough for my husband to see but everyone is saying they look like evaps even though they were within 3 mins of testing so I went and bought one of those $1 red dye tests and it's negative :/ I don't want to go to the Dr until I'm certain since it costs me $300 every time I get blood work. anyone have positive stories? I've read so many of people having varying hcg and this issue but majority of ppl confirm my biggest fears. here are 3 tests. the first 2 taken within 3 mins and the 3rd test is a picture of the 2nd test after 2 hours