Pregnancy after miscarriage

Hi All, 
this is my first time posting! I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks pregnant 4 weeks ago. The pregnancy was a surprise (we found out 4 days after our wedding) but one we were happy about. I went for a scan 3 days after to confirm the miscarriage and it showed that there was no sign of pregnancy, we were obviously gutted the good news is everything came away naturally and we were told if we wanted to try again we could when we felt ready as everything looked normal and all hvc levels were down to 0.
My question is how do I track my ovulation? I stopped bleeding a few days after the miscarriage but then started bleeding again 7 days afterwards, could this have been a period? And should I date it for then for now? 
Has anyone conceived quickly after a miscarriage as we are really hoping it happens? Any positive help and advice would be much appriciated. I also understand some of you may find it strange that we are trying again so soon but please remember we are all different and deal with grief differently, this is what is right for us and have been told by my doctor we aren't at any extra risk.
I should also mention we already have a daughter (age 8, big age gap 😊) so I have carried full term before although that feels like a life time away.