The 'A' in LGBTQIA+

Awareness and recognition post 😊
The intentions behind the making of this thread are to make a space on this app, and this Pride group, where Asexual, Aromantic and Agender people can come together and feel represented, learn from each other and possibly teach other LGBTQIA+ identities and allies about our identities. 
This thread can be used for coming out stories, advice on coming out, pet peeve and rants relating to the stuff that affect people who identify as Aro/Ace/Agender. I hope that it can become some what of a support place. 
So to hopefully start things off, I identify as Aromantic and I'm not to sure on my sexuality yet 😊. As yesterday was National Coming Out Day, like many others I was very much tempted to come out to my family. But it didn't end up happening, which I'm okay with, I don't think I'm quite ready to come out yet. 
I've always felt an aversion to romance, romantic love and everything else along those lines. Although, I only came across the term Aromantic earlier this year which felt like a godsend to me if I'm honest. 
I don't have much else to say right now, feel free to comment anything you wish regarding the 3 identities, ask questions to learn more from others.Â