Ladies who endure brutal cold winters...

BlissfullySweet • Married to my awesome husband 💑👫 Mommy to my precious boy 💙😘👦🏻and 2 sweet girls 💜💜😘😘🧒🏻👶🏻. Baby #4 (the finale) due August 2021. 👶🏻💙🙏🏼
Where will you buy, or have bought in the past, a maternity coat that keep you warm in ridiculously cold temperatures and snow? I'm due 3/24 so will need a really warm winter coat for my entire pregnancy. I've googled options online and most are jackets that will not do me any good at all. I've also read reviews at motherhood and such and many I've read say the coats I liked (thick puffy ones) ended up not being warm enough for brutal winter weather. 
I'm getting a little frustrated that I'm gonna freeze my belly off this winter, which I read is predicted to be a bad one. If you've got any brands you swear by or recommendations, please share!