Headache help

Caitlin • 24 - PA - Happily Married - TTC#1
My last period was on CD 32, I'm currently on CD 30. I don't have any signs of AF yet except for bloating. Typically I get moody, crave chocolate and my boobs get sore. All I've been having is bloat on and off and terrible headaches. I took Geritol for a couple weeks but stopped them and took prenatal gummies instead, 2 a day. I'm not sure if the headaches are from the prenatals? Because i never had them with taking the Geritol that's what leads me to believe it's from the prenatals.. Has anyone else have this happen to them? I've taken two HPT yesterday and both were BFN. I've been having excessive watery discharge, so much that my underwear get soaked. No mucus, just straight watery. When I check my CM it is egg white like with someone little chunks/creamy... Any ideas? Thanks!