Need to be 2cm dilated by Thursday morning

Mandy • Mother of two boys & girl, trying for last baby
I need some suggestions and support. Kind of long but I need some thoughts. I am trying for a VBAC. According to the doctor's decision for me and baby and my husband's work schedule, we have a c section scheduled for Thursday morning. With a VBAC I cannot be induced normally. My cervix needs to be favorable which is at least 2cm in order to have my water broke and given pitocin to try for a VBAC. They cannot use Cervadil or any prostaglandins to ripen my cervix since it is a VBAC and increases my chance for rupture. If I am not 2cm by Thursday morning, we just go straight to the c section. On Thursday I was 1 cm and 50% effaced and had my membranes swept. Monday afternoon, 1-1.5cm and 70% effaced and membranes swept again. I am getting checked Wednesday (tomorrow) morning and hopefully have another membrane sweep. I had my 6th session of acupuncture this morning to try and induce labor and I was having tons of contractions during the session but then no progress afterwards. My husband and I have been having sex most nights and walking a ton. I am taking EPO 3x daily. I need to get to 2cm and was so sad and discouraged yesterday when I found out I am still 1+cm. Any suggestions or advice?