My labor story: I had to be induced Monday October 12th

My labor story: I had to be induced Monday October 12th. I got to the hospital at 5a.m, they started the pitocin at 6 but I didn't really start feeling contractions till about 8 when they put the pitocin to 8. Once the contractions were getting stronger my blood pressure went up so my nurse recommended getting the epidural & I did. Best decision EVER!!!! Didn't feel any of my contractions after that. I stArted out at 6 a.m at 4cm dilated and by 5:00 p.m I was 9cm ready to push. I pushed hard for an hour in a half and by 6:29 my baby boy had arrived. Labor wasn't too bad other than the fact that I had sleep for 30+ hours leading up to it so needless to say I was exhAusted. Thankfully I had my mom, husband, and mother n law to hold my legs while I pushed because I sure couldn't. Also my doctor ended up having to cut me (from vagina to butthole) and had to do surgery afterwards. It was category 4 tear which is pretty bad and it took 2 hours to sew. Honesty that part was worse that labor! But at the end of it all it was totally worth it. My baby boy Noah weighs 7lbs 14oz and is as healthy as an oz! Being a mommy is the most rewarding thing in the entire world.