
I'm sure my story is probably very similar to others' stories and that's why I'm hoping that we can support and help each other! In high school (2003-2006) I was never thin or skinny but I would say I was an athletic thick. I played sports and wasn't too active but enough. Fast forward 10+ years and I have become very sedentary and even more overweight! I have been stuck around 280ish lbs for years now. After I had my baby (I lost 7 lbs through out the pregnancy) I was really wanting to turn my fitness around. When my son was 3 weeks old I weighed myself and I was down to 250. This is where I have now stayed for 3.5 weeks and need help! I want to be back to the athletic 180lbs I was in high school. I mean for goodness sakes I have probably 10+ pairs of jeans that were only worn a handful of times that I'd love to fit into! Yes, I've kept the clothes around that long! So please, advice and support would be wonderful!! I also want to get healthy that way the next pregnancy comes easier (had to use clomid to ovulate) and hopefully will go smoother! Thanks for reading!