High risk and worried

Already high risk due to my blood pressure, I'm also carrying Mo/Di twins they think based on the 7 week u/s. I'd like a follow up to see if they can say with more clarity. I was told I can't have another u/s until the 20 week scan due to it not being able to change anything... I understand it wouldn't change anything but it would set my mind at ease. I walked through a pregnancy with a friend battling TTTS so I watched her have to fight for her babies and if she didn't fight as hard as she did then they both would have died. I was told the only way to get around this is to lie to the ER about bleeding and that would give me a new ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. I do not wanna lie like that when my insurance covers as many u/s as the doctor orders. Just needed to vent because I'm really frustrated with the way they are treating my concerns. 
Update: There are only two OB offices in our area and both refused to give me an u/s before then.