Plant based diet

I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone else wants to try it... I was having a hard time controlling my numbers, and increasing my medication every few weeks. They were talking about putting me in the hospital for a few days to go on insulin if I couldn't get my fasting numbers down, and after 5 weeks in the hospital for a short cervix/cerclage, I couldn't stomach the thought. Anyways, I was doing the whole carb counting, and I kept decreasing the amount of carbs I was eating to try and get my numbers down - but failing and getting super upset. So this week I've been eating plant-based vegan with a little fish here and there. I supplement protein with hemp hearts, beans, quinoa, nuts, seeds and chia. It has made ALL the difference in my numbers. I haven't had a high since, and my drs are very strict (they want fasting under 85, two hour under 110 - ugh). In fact, ive had to decrease my medication cause I was getting lows!!!! I'm eating mostly salads, hummus, beans, lentils, soups and olives, berry smoothies and a little fish, plus a bit of dark chocolate every once in a while. No rice, no bread, no flour, no dairy. Anyways, just wanted to offer that up to anyone who is struggling. Cause I sure was and now I feel a lot better, both physically and mentally.