My husband thinks it's ok to...

Have friends that are women from work!!! He said they worked for him for 30 years. He is now working for a different company but still has contact with them and takes these 2 ladies out to lunch twice a month. I told him how I felt about it said it was inappropriate for a married man with two kids to go out to lunch with two ladies. Not only that one of the girls called and talked to him for 45 minutes on the phone. He said she needed legal advice about her older father in law. He has now lied to me today!! I asked him did he go to lunch or has he talked to them at all. He said to me NO. He lied he contacted one of them about going to lunch using his WORK PHONE!!! The lady called his work phone and left a voice message about going to lunch next week. After I told him I didn't want him going to lunch with these two ladies who don't even work for him anymore! He told me its work related and that he is allowed to have FRIENDS!!!!!  Does it matter if the ladies are married or not??? I don't want my husband going to lunch with these ladies and them calling and talks to him for that long!!! Am I wrong????? Am I over reacting... He lied to me about contacting them