Relationship advice please ?

Iv been with my bf for nearly 2 years now and I love him to bits. He lives with me and my family. Over all he is a good bf , but I honestly feel like that spark has gone. It doesn't bother him when in upset anymore, and were often on our phones without saying a word. he doesn't do the little things That he did to get me.  Iv spoken to him about how I feel 1000 times and he still continues to not put effort in. Sex is still amazing, but we fight all the time. Often we don't have much to talk about. It's like I'm going crazy, I feel amazing in his arms then at times I wanna walk away from him and never look back. I know we love eacother. But I feel like it's just, long over due.. I sometimes wanna be single and enjoy life while I'm young, meet people, but then Sometimes I cry in the thought of loosing him.  I haven't been alone in nearly two years in scared. I have no friends, Iv recently just left my job. I'm very sensitive right now. But I don't know what to do. I feel selfish for feeling like this, Is it normal?