Not sure what to do... (Visa related)

My boyfriend lives in Australia and I live in US. We've been together 3 yrs. I'm 23, he's 25. We wanted to be able to spend a lot of time together and he wanted to get a degree so he applied to go to college here. His student visa got denied because they believe he will stay past his visa. We could reapply and try to give proof that he will get a job after some how. Option 2: My dad lives in the Netherlands so I could pack up everything and we could both move to the Netherlands for a few years to gauge wether or not to get married. Option 3: we could get a fiancé visa and marry within 90 days, not really how I was planning on marrying but I do love him. I just kinda see what other people think, but obviously I have to make the decision for myself. I just have no idea what to do. Sorry that was a bit long.