Should I Be Worried?

I went to visit my boyfriend and he kept telling me that he was excited for me to meet his friends. These are girls, who I don't like because they're always snap chatting each other and they feel comfortable enough texting and calling each other to go to the gym, go eat, need rides, etc. When I get there, one of them ignored us and didn't try to say hi like she didn't want to meet me (he says she's mad at him for telling his friend something personal about her that she felt drunk enough telling my boyfriend), the other was friendly the first time I saw her but the next time she was very stand offish, and the other is a lot like me. In body type, and personality. I feel like something is up. But he keeps saying that I have nothing to worry about. He will send me screen shots of messages from them saying that I'm pretty and a nice person, but I don't know what to think. He is very busy, his job is pretty demanding and he sometimes will tell me when he's going to the gym or getting food with one of them but not until after the fact. He treats them like his guy friends from what I understand, but I'm still worried something else is going on. Should I be?